Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Some of the fields in your BigCommerce store require specific formatting to ensure a proper sync with Catsy. Use the following table as a formatting guide:



Format / Additional Information

Item Type

Defines the item as a Product, SKU, or Rule

Type in product for products, SKU for SKUs, and rule for product rules.

Product ID

The system-generated product identifier; cannot be created manually

This field is required for updates, but must be blank for creating new products.

Product Type

Defines whether the item is physical or digital (downloadable)

Type in P for physical products, and D for downloadable products.


Your product's base price

Use numbers only (24.99), but no units.

Cost Price

The cost of the product for you (accounting purposes only)

Use numbers only; no units.

Retail Price

The retail price (MSRP); if entered, it will appear next to your base or sale price

Use numbers only; no units.

Sale Price

The sale price; if entered, it will replace the base price

Use numbers only; no units.

Fixed Shipping Cost

The price to ship one unit of your product; the product will ship at that price internationally, regardless of all other shipping settings

Use numbers only; no units.

Free Shipping

Your product will ship for free; if enabled, this intentionally overrides any other shipping settings

Type in Y to enable free shipping, or N to disable free shipping on the product level.

Product Weight

Product weight (physical only)

Use numbers only; no units.

Product Width

Your product's width for calculating shipping

Use numbers only; no units.

Product Height

Your product's height for calculating shipping

Use numbers only; no units.

Product Depth

Your product's depth for calculating shipping

Use numbers only; no units.

Allow Purchases?

Allows the product to be purchased from your store

Type in Y to allow the product to be purchased or pre-ordered, or N to indicate that the product cannot be purchased or pre-ordered on the storefront.

Product Visible?

Allows the product to be visible in your store

Type in Y to allow the product to be visible on the storefront, and N to disable product visibility.

Track Inventory

Enable or disable inventory tracking on the product. If enabled, track by option or by product

Type in none to disable inventory tracking entirely, by product to track inventory on the product level, or by option to track inventory by SKU.


Categories and sub categories applied to product

Use the format Category1; Category2/Subcategory1;Category2/Subcategory2. If your category name starts with a slash (/), denote it with \/ (like Mittens\/Gloves).

Product File - 1

The file name of your downloadable product (downloadable products only)

Use the file name and extension, such as filename.pdf.

Search Keywords

Keywords for your store's search

Keywords must be separated by commas.

Meta Keywords

Meta keywords; if left blank will default to those entered in the Website Settings

Keywords must be separated by commas.

Product Condition

Product condition for Google Shopping

Type in New, Used, or Refurbished.

Show Product Condition?

Show the product condition on your product page

Type in Y to display the product condition field on the product page, or N to not display that field. 

Sort Order

The order in which a product appears on a category page relative to other products; default is 0

Use whole numbers only. You can use negative numbers.

Stop Processing Rules

For Rules, stop processing all rules placed below that rule

Type in Y to stop processing rules, or N to continue to process rules.

Product URL

The relative path of your product's URL on your store; if left blank it will default to the product name

Use this format: /new-relative-url/.

Product Custom Fields

Name of custom field=Name of value;Name of custom field #2=Name of value #2

Use this format: name=value (like Color=Blue;Material=Cotton).