Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Product variants are used to manage products that have different variations, like size, color, etc. 
This article assumes the corresponding parent products and option attributes have been set. To review how to create parent products and initially set option attributes, please see Creating Products


2. To create your first variant, select New Variant.


**Note: If Option Attributes have not been set up yet, you will be prompted to set them up before variant creation is complete.

3. Upon creation of this products first variant, you will be able to view and select variants by clicking the variant dropdown at the top of the page, clicking the variant group to the left, or clicking the variants tab at the bottom.


Option Attributes can be edited at any point within the Parent Product’s Details Page.

  1. Click on the Variants tab to bring up the variants portion of the details page, and select “Set Options”.


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  2. Select the attributes you’d like to set as Option Attributes, and click “Save”.


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