Catsy PIM & DAM knowledge base

Verify default field mappings

The most important attributes you need to map in order to be able to sync with Shopify are Title and SKU. They are required and must be mapped or filled out. 

Some of the other fields in your Shopify store require specific formatting to ensure a proper sync with Catsy. Use the following table as a formatting guide:



Format / Additional Information


Handles are unique names for each product. Handles are used in the URL for each product.

Handles can contain letters, dashes, and numbers, but no spaces, accents, or other characters, including periods. If the field is not mapped, the value in the store is created based on the value in the Title column.

Body (HTML)

The description of the product in HTML format.

Must be in HTML format. Catsy automatically converts Rich Text fields to HTML format when mapped in a Shopify channel.


The name of the vendor for your product.

Values must be at least two characters long.

If the field is not mapped, the value in the store is the name of the store as you entered it when you created your Shopify account.


The name/title of your product in Shopify

The name for your product that you want to display to your customers.

Do not use HTML characters - titles are meant to be Strings, not HTML

SEO Title

The SEO Title is found on a product's details page under the Search engine listing preview header in the Page title field.

The SEO Title is alphanumeric and can include up to 70 characters. If you leave this column blank when you import a product, then the value in the Title column is entered into the Page title field on the product's details page.

SEO Description

The SEO description is found on the product's details page under the Search engine listing preview header in the Description. 

The SEO description is alphanumeric and can include up to 320 characters. If you leave this column blank when you import a product, then the value in the Body (HTML) column is entered into the Description field on the product's details page.

Default Image

The URL for the main product image

Map to the main image of the parent or the standalone product

Variant Image

The URL for images of variants.

Map to the main image of every variant


Indicates whether a product is available to your customers. 


Valid values are:

  • active: the product is active and ready to be sold

  • draft: the product is a draft and needs to be completed

  • archived: the product is archived and no longer available to sell

Image Alt Text (String)

The alt text of the image - the text that describes this media. Improves accessibility for people who can't see images on web pages, including users who use screen readers or have low-bandwidth connections.

Map to Constant description to get the value of the Description attribute of your image

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