Catsy PIM & DAM knowledge base

Adding a new workflow

  1. Start by going to Tools → More → Workflow

2. Click on one of the buttons to add a new workflow

3. Name your workflow and proceed to the creation wizard

4. You can edit the name and key of your workflow from the creation screen. In order to start the workflow, you need to select a trigger event by choosing one of the following:

  • on product create

  • on product update

  • when a product is deleted

5. Add the next steps to the workflow:

  • task: a task represents an individual step or stage in a workflow, such as Update, Review, or Revise. It can be assigned to a specific user and it can result in a specific action - e.g. Approve or Reject

  • fork: a fork allows you to split a workflow into two or more branches, each branch representing a possible path that the workflow can follow

  • join: unites multiple execution paths into one transition

  • condition: this workflow step requires a specific condition to be met before the process can continue to the next element

  • webhook: an external facing element that can invoke an interface external to Catsy through http

  • email: lets you send an e-mail to the owner of a specific task in the workflow

6. When you are finished with your workflow steps, you can click on “Create workflow”


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