Catsy PIM & DAM knowledge base

Refreshing Your Documents

Refreshing your documents with your data in Catsy can happen with just a few clicks. 

After you have manually updated your channel (Grabbing/Updating Your XML file Link) or if you have it set to auto update nightly (Automating Nightly Updates) follow these steps. 

  1. Open the data panel menu and click "Synchronize With Data Source". 

  2.  This pop up will show you the number of fields in the data panel that have been updated. Click "OK". 

  3.  Fields that are updated in the data panel will be highlighted in red and marked with a yellow triangle. Fields in the document that no longer match the data panel will have red brackets around them. 

  4.  To update the document, open the data panel menu, hover over "Update Document" and click "All".

  5.  This popup will show you the number of fields in the document that have been updated. Click "OK". 

  6. Now you can see the fields in the document match the fields in the data panel. 

  7.  Use the "Synchronize With Data Source" again to remove the red outline and yellow triangle update visuals from the data panel. 

  8.  The final result. 

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