Catsy PIM & DAM knowledge base

Data Type Meanings



Integer: All characters in data must be numbers. 
Measurement: A value with an integer and an associated specified measurement
Price: A decimal value with an associated specified currency ISO code
Decimal: Used when all characters are number and decimals are needed.
Single-Select or Multi-Select Picklist: Used when you want your customer to choose between a list of predetermined options
Tag: Create a tag field to input products tags
(Text) String: This is the most common type due to the fact it has no format restriction. 
Category: Use this option when setting up a category or family
Digital Asset: Use this option when setting attributes for images.
*Note that the Digital Asset data type can also be a Multi Digital Asset
This attribute gets used when users want to quickly assign multiple assets to a single attribute, without necessarily needing to designate them as a specific angle or image type (e.g. "Top Image", "Side Image", etc.). We've seen clients use them for lifestyle images pretty often, where those images just need to be associated with a product in no particular order.
These values get stored as an array in Catsy, and are exported as such. So output typically looks like this: image_1.jpg|image_2.jpg|image3.jpg
You'll get the value for each image in the array separated by a pipe character.
Product Association: Use this option when you want to relate one product to another while keeping them as separate products.
Date: A date attribute field with calendar popup to select dates in a YYYY/MM/DD format
Readiness: Build your own completeness score to see a visual of where you have gaps in your data

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