Spraying Org Images

If you haven't already added images to organizations follow this guide or if you haven't created any organizations follow this guide

  1. Open Adobe Indesign 
  2. Click "Catsy" on the top Toolbar
  3. Login to Catsy

  4. Make sure your plugin is pointing to your Box/Dropbox local folder by clicking on the Catsy toolbar again and selecting "settings"
  5. Next to "Map to repository" click change

  6. Navigate to Box/Dropbox on your local machine.

  7. Click "Catsy" on the top Toolbar and select Template builder

  8. In the template builder panel, Scroll and find "Org Image 1" this is the supplier image frame.
    (Note if you have multiple supplier images you can also select "Org Image 2-5")
  9. Drag the "Org Image 1" frame on to the page. Make sure it is inside the margin boarders (purple boarder)

  10. Click "Catsy" on the top Toolbar and select Content Sprayer

  11. Find the item/family you want to spray
  12. Select all the frames you want to spray including the "Org Image 1"
  13. Click spray