Advanced Tables

Creating Advanced Tables

  1. Log in to Catsy web app
  2. Navigate to family you want to create an advanced table with.
  3. Select the "Variants" tab

  4. Click the "New List/Table" button
  5. select "Table" radio button at the top
  6. Name the table and select how many header rows, body rows and columns you need for this table, click "continue" when you are ready
    (you can add more or delete the rows and columns later)

Selecting Columns and Rows

  1. the arrows on the top and side will select the whole column or row by clicking on them

  2. To add another header Row click the arrow of the row where you want to insert the new header row
  3. Click the "Insert Header Row" button choose where you want to insert the row and click insert

  4. To add more rows, click the arrow of the row where you want to insert the new row
  5. Click the "Insert Row" button choose where you want to insert the row and click insert

  6. To add more columns, click the arrow of the column where you want to insert the new column
  7. Click the "Insert Column" button choose where you want to insert the column and click insert

  8. To merge cells, select two or more cells you want to merge together and click "Merge Cells"

  9. To insert Items, select the cell where you want to insert and click "Insert Items"
  10. Choose whether you want to insert items by row (left to right), column (top to bottom), or by cell ( just one item)

  11. Next select the cell you want to input data in and click the "Insert Field Values" and select how you want to insert the data
  12. Select whether you want to insert items by row (left to right), column (top to bottom), or by cell ( just one item)

  13. Choose the corresponding items whose data you want to insert

  14. Select the field you want to show the data for

  15. To insert a field name, click the "Insert Field Name" button at the top
  16. Choose whether you want to insert items by row (left to right), column (top to bottom), or by cell ( just one item)

  17. Select the cell with the corresponding field values whose label you want in the cell
  18. Click the green check mark

  19. To add an Image, Click in the cell where you want to insert the image and click "Insert Images" 
  20. Choose whether you want to insert images by row (left to right), column (top to bottom), or by cell ( just one item)

  21. Select the item number whose image you want to insert 

  22. Choose which asset you want to insert. Click select