Image Setup

Formula vs. non-formula naming structure 

In Catsy, there are two types of asset naming conventions; Formula and non-formula


  • follows a naming convention for all image files such as item number or family number
  • Can use Box/Dropbox for bulk image imports 


  • Does not follow a naming convention so you can choose any image to the item/family
  • Cannot bulk attach images 

Derived vs. non-derived 

Derived Assets are any type of images or documentation from a family that is inherited down to an item in that family. 

Non-derived assets are any type of images or documentation that is only relevant on the item level. If the item has a different image or documentation then the family it is apart from then you would use this. To set up a derived image follow this guide

Document attachments 

To attach a document to an item follow this guide

To attach a document to a family follow this guide