Adding Youtube videos to Items

  1. Log into Catsy
  2. Navigate to TOOLS→ Manage fields

  3. Navigate to the Item Asset Types tab
  4. Click the "New" button on the top right

  5. In the "Asset Group" drop down, select "Item Animation/Video"

  6. In the "Type" text field name your field
  7. In the "Formula" text field, type Youtube
  8. Check the URL check box
  9. Click Next

  10. Click save

  11. To add a URL navigate to the item
  12. Go to the Assets tab
  13. Click the Upload button in the top left 

  14. Select the "Assets do not follow a file naming convention" radio button

  15. In the "Type" dropdown, select your newly created field
  16. Paste the Youtube video URL link in the "URL" text box

  17. Click Save