Attaching Documents to items

  1. Log into catsy
  2. Navigate to TOOLS → Manage fields

  3. Click on the "item asset types" tab on the left
  4. Click "new"

  5. In the Asset group drop down, Select "Item literature"

  6. In the "Type" text box, enter the field name
  7. in the formula section, enter in the naming convention of your files in the format [field name].file extension such as .pdf, .xlxs etc.

  8. Click next
  9. Click save
  10. Navigate to an item you want to attach a document to
  11. Click the "assets" tab

  12. Click the "Upload" button under the file type you just created

  13. Click choose file 

  14. find the file you want to attach that is named using the formula specified above
  15. Click save