Creating Families

  1. Log into Catsy web app
  2. Select the category where you want to create the new family 
  3. click the "New" Button and select "Family"

  4. Enter in the family number, name and other relevent information in the corresponding text boxes.
  5. When finished click "Create"

  6. Click into the new family and select the "Variants" tab 
  7. Click the "New List/Table" button

  8. Enter the family name, choose the list type, and choose the template you want to use
  9. Click "Create"

  10. Click the Manage fields button

  11. Select the fields you want to display from both the "Core Fields" &
    "Specs." sections. Click the "->" button to move fields over

  12. Click "save"
  13. Click "Add items in bulk"

  14. Select whether you want to input Items by browsing item or manually entering in the item number.

    14 (A) If browsing for items, select the categories on the left for the corresponding items needed. Check the boxes for the Items you want to insert into the family. Click continue.

    14 (B) If manually entering items, enter each item number on their own line. When done click continue and finish.